One Alpha contains the active ingredient alfacalcidol, which is a form of vitamin D. Alfacalcidol is transformed to calcitriol to stimulate intestinal calcium and phosphorus absorption.
Alfacalcidol is indicated in all conditions where there is a disturbance of calcium metabolism due to impaired 1-α hydroxylation such as when there is reduced renal function.
The main indications are:
• Renal osteodystrophy.
• Hyperparathyroidism (with bone disease).
• Hypoparathyroidism.
• Neonatal hypocalcaemia.
• Nutritional and malabsorptive rickets and osteomalacia.
• Pseudo-deficiency (D-dependent) rickets and osteomalacia.
• Hypophosphataemic vitamin D resistant rickets and osteomalacia.

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